Asset allocation mutual funds have gained popularity among investors as these pooled investments offer a simple way to access multiple asset classes within a single, professionally managed fund. A wide array of asset allocation funds exist, ranging from ultra-conservative to highly aggressive, and each can be used as a single holding or partial allocation for
Download Preston’s 1 page checklist for finding great stock picks: Preston Pysh is the #1 selling Amazon author of two books on Warren Buffett. The books can be found at the following location: In this lesson, we evaluated the cash flow statement of Walmart, Sears, Intel, and Kodak. The lesson provides good and bad
Tracey Ryniec uncovers two top stocks that are flying under the radar. Natus Medical Inc.: Coherent Inc: Follow us on StockTwits: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:
The goal of market segmentation—the process of dividing a target market into smaller, defined subgroups of customers with shared characteristics—is to identify the subgroups with the highest potential for profit or growth. Segmentation is a crucial part of any effective marketing campaign, but insights from segment analysis are also widely used to identify niche opportunities
In this article IEP Keith Meister, founder and chief investment officer at Corvex Management LP. Brendan McDermid | Reuters Company: MDU Resources Group Inc. (MDU) MDU Resources is a regulated energy delivery and construction materials and services business. The company is organized into the following four business segments: (i) utilities: electric and natural gas distribution,
There was a time years ago when the only people able to trade actively in the stock market were those working for large financial institutions, brokerages, and trading houses. The arrival of online trading, along with instantaneous dissemination of news, have leveled the playing—or should we say trading—field. The easy-to-use trading apps and 0% commissions
Deferred revenue is payment received from a customer before a product or service has been delivered; however, the payment is not yet counted as revenue. Deferred revenue, which is also referred to as unearned revenue, is listed as a liability on the balance sheet because, under accrual accounting, the revenue recognition process has not been completed.  Key Takeaways Deferred
The sports betting industry rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars each year, thanks to a loophole in the law against gambling. While there are several different fantasy sports sites out there, two startups have capitalized on the growing number of sports fans looking for a quick and easy way to get involved with fantasy
Revenue generated from drug production by U.S. pharmaceutical companies both domestically and abroad is growing substantially, in part because of repetitive price increases. Drug companies pricing is relatively unregulated and they can often raise drug prices beyond inflation rates. This allows the drug companies to increase their revenues continually, even if the demand for one
Investors looking for new stocks to buy have limited options this year, with the U.S. markets on track for their slowest year of initial public offerings since 2009. What’s more, the Renaissance IPO ETF (NYSEARCA:IPO) is down 38% year to date, significantly more than the broader market. But, as anyone investing in recently debuted stocks
The best silver stocks are top-of-mind currently. That’s because commodity classes, especially metals like silver and gold, are considered safe havens in times of economic turmoil. Investors consider precious metals as stores of value that are more reliable than fiat currencies. This is particularly true when inflation spirals out of control, as is currently the
The best investors know how to identify winners and fill their portfolios with equities that have the best potential for returns. And at the same time, they know which stocks to avoid. Identifying red flags that make a once-promising name a likely loser is a skill that any investor needs to cultivate. That’s why the