In this article LUMN GOOGL UA FTNT Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT Rafael Henrique | Lightrocket | Getty Images Check out the companies making headlines in midday trading Wednesday: Lumen Technologies — Shares fell 22.5% after the cloud network data company reported a fourth-quarter loss of about $3.1 billion. Its earnings guidance for the
With the economy and the stock market not fully out of the woods, my suggestion is to focus on the safest stocks at the moment. With the most recent statements from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell suggesting that interest rates will keep rising, and that a “Fed pivot” isn’t just around the corner, the overall market’s
Investors should spare a few bucks for the most promising consumer goods stocks. Essentially, consumer goods represent anything that regular folks buy for personal use. This contrasts with capital goods, which companies utilize to produce other goods. Further, many of the businesses undergirding consumer goods stocks tend to feature some level of demand inelasticity. In other
In mid-January, I named three penny stocks that could rise 500% in a year. It was an outlandish goal, of course. Few companies rise 100% within 12 months, let alone 500%. Yet, performance has been excellent so far. As a group, the three stocks have already returned almost 20% — double what the S&P 500
In this article CMG FTNT UBER ENPH TRIP ILMN Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT Check out the companies making headlines in premarket trading. Uber said it is “currently responding to a cybersecurity incident” after reports that a hacker compromised its systems. Rafael Henrique | Sopa Images | Lightrocket | Getty Images Uber — The